Welcome To The Willow Forest Homeowners Association!
Owners can contact Chaparral Management for the code if they are in good standing with the community. The code is not to be given out to anyone other than the owner requesting the code. Please do not share the code as this could incur a fee on accounts due to having to change the code.
Swimming Pool
Pool Hours
The swimming pool is now officially closed for the season.
Pool Address
8402 Creek Willow Drive, Tomball, TX 77375
Pool Cards
If you obtained a pool pass last year, and have a zero balance, or are on a Willow Forest approved payment plan, then your access card will be re-activated when the pool season begins. No further action is required.
In order to gain access to the pool you will need a pool access card. For you to be eligible to obtain a pass, you must be in good standing with the Association, if you owe a balance over $5.00 you will not be eligible for a pass unless you are on a payment plan with the Association. Each household will be able to register for one pool access card at no charge. An additional card may be purchased for $25.00. If a card is damaged or lost a $45.00 replacement fee will be charged. In addition, you will also need to provide proof of your residency. If you are an owner, a driver's license or other form of photo ID can be used and if you are a tenant, the first page of your lease agreement should be provided showing that you are the current leaseholder, in addition to your photo id.
Pool Rules
Several pool rules have been added that are now required due to state law changes. One of those changes is that anyone under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. If the Board of Directors learns or discovers that there are those violating this rule (or any other rule that they deem to be an egregious enough violation), then you wish suspension of your pool privileges for an initial period of 30 days (as provided by the deed restrictions), and possibly the remainder of the summer.
Current Pool Rules
1. The pool is only open to Willow Forest Homes Association (WFHA) residents with an active pool access card and their guests.
2. Residents shall be always responsible for their guests. All guests must be accompanied to the pool by a resident of eighteen (18) years of age and older. Each home in WFHA shall only have a maximum of 10 guests per household.
3. Anyone under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Minors are not permitted to bring guests.
4. The pool may be closed or its use limited at any time because of weather, operational difficulties, or overcrowding at the discretion of the WFHA. In case of lightning or thunder, Red Cross current standards will be used. All patrons and their guests must clear the gated pool area completely.
5. The WFHA Board of Directors, its agents, and contractors shall have the full authority to enforce the pool rules. For the safety and enjoyment of all, the Board of Directors may ask any resident or guest to leave the pool area for any activity that they deem to be unsafe. If a resident and/or their guest are asked to leave, the Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, may contact the constable to report the offending patron is trespassing. Repeat violations may result in the revocation of swimming privileges for the remainder of the summer.
6. Neither WFHA nor the pool management company shall be responsible for any property that is damaged in the pool area.
7. Proper swimming attire must be worn. Cut-offs/colored T-shirts are not allowed in the pool.
8. All persons, not toilet trained must wear swim diapers or plastic elastic pants. Disposable diapers are not allowed. Diapers may not be changed within 6ft. of the pool.
9. Running or rough play such as pushing, dunking, or throwing is not permitted in or around the pool area.
10. There is no diving at all depths 5ft or less. “Flips” from the side of the pool are not permitted regardless of water depth.
11. Extended breath-holding activities are dangerous and prohibited.
12. Loud music, profanity, abusive language, improper behavior, and/or intoxication are not permitted. If complaints are received, they will be advised to contact the constable or sheriff to remove the patron from the pool area.
13. Alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, e-cigarettes, tobacco, and drugs are prohibited in the pool area.
14. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
15. Glass containers are not allowed in the pool area.
16. Chewing gum or eating while in the water is not permitted.
17. Anyone with an open sore or communicable illness is prohibited from pool use. Anyone who has had diarrhea within the past 2 weeks should not swim.
18. It is recommended that all guests take a 10-minute break each hour to get out of the sun, drink water, and re-apply sunscreen.
19. Parents/Guardians of non/weak swimmers must be within arm’s reach at all times.
20. A member of the Board of Directors may introduce and enforce any rule not stated regarding the Willow Forest Pool Rules.
Wader Pool Rules
1. A competent adult 18 years of age or older is required to always accompany and supervise minors using the wader pool.
2. The wader pool is for use by patrons 5 years of age and younger.
3. A swim diaper is required for all minors, not toilet trained.
4. Swimsuits are required.
5. All minors, not toilet trained, must wear swim diapers or plastic elastic pants. Disposable diapers are not allowed. Diapers may not be changed within 6 feet of the pool.
6. All pool rules apply to the wader pool.
For any questions regarding any of the amenities, please contact
Chaparral Management or the Willow Forest HOA at board@willowforesthoa.com.
Please be sure to check the News section of the website regularly for important news and updates within our community.
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